Are Blogs Making a Come Back?
Lately I’ve been feeling extremely unmotivated to use/browse any social media, and earlier today I deleted my TikTok account. I don’t know if it’s the algorithm or what, but I haven’t been seeing any quality content on Instagram or TikTok for months now. There’s so much content that gets pushed out just because it’s “controversial” and often times the content is about the same topics being discussed over and over again. Life is short. And because I’m getting older everyday, I want to prioritize the things that matter most to me. It’s amazing how much time I have when I’m not scrolling for hours a day.
I’ve also been feeling really loopy the past couple of weeks and I think it’s because I haven’t been intentional with my time. It’s so easy to just sit on the couch and open my phone and scroll TikTok or Instagram for 2 hours. Pero, no mas! (I’ve been practicing my Spanish lol). I’ve been going through the motions of everyday life aimlessly. And because I work from home, it’s easy to lay around and not be intentional about my day. So today I’m back in action!
Before I deleted my TikTok I was seeing a lot of videos about this same topic, and people wanting to delete everything. I also saw a few videos of people discussing if blogs are coming back. Honestly, I don’t think blogs were ever out. I think they are very hard to find these days, again because so much content gets pushed out daily. And you almost need to be intentional with keywords when searching for a blog so it takes more effort. But blogs with quality content are much more my vibe these days.
I’ve been spending time on Pinterest looking for blogs/bloggers with a similar niche as me and I’ve come across some really cool ones! I feel like a blog is a really intimate way to connect with readers and solidifies once again, that we are not alone.
So happy to connect with you all again. Thank you for reading. And I forgot to say Happy October! I live for Spooky SZN 👻
Also if you’re a blogger or just enjoy reading them, connect with me below in the comments! XOXO