Ten Random Facts About Me

In an effort for everyone to get to know me better I decided to share 10 facts about me! I’m going to try my best to think of some juicy facts and hopefully you learn something new about me!

1. I grew up in New Jersey.
2. I’m left-handed and convinced that I indeed think differently than people who are right handed.
3. I have 5 siblings but it doesn’t feel that way because we have such large age gaps.
4. In college I studied communications & media.
5. This is my second blog! The first was back in college.
6. I’ve lived in and have been exploring different parts of California for six years.
7. I created this blog as an outlet for myself but the more I write, the more ideas I get and want to share!
8. I recently discovered my love for reading and would love to share some blog posts about some of the books I’ve read!
9. I lovee Brazilian food. Invite me to a Brazilian steakhouse and I’m yours forever!
10. I hate wearing shoes. If I could go barefoot 24/7 I totally would. I almost always wear Birkenstocks because of how comfortable they are!

Did you learn anything new about me?


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